Tuesday, March 06, 2007


finally, an answer

unfortunately, i made the mistake of not rewinding my tape for my shows today. archaic, i know. but luckily for me, i got the first of the two; all my children. which leads me to the subject at hand, the satin slayer has finally been exposed. but of all the people in the world for him to be.

ok. for truth, i'm glad that it wasn't greenlee. it would be rather hard for her to live down those murders. part of me knew it couldn't be greenlee but it was fun to scapegoat her. i knew it wasn't going to be the lawyer guy. hell, i don't even remember her dating a lawyer guy before ethan or tad. but i digress. i said before, they wouldn't create a new mystery character to be the murderer, no matter how tempting "ethan's mother" was. it's cheating. in true soap opera form, they brought someone back from the dead to be the murderer; alexander cambias sr.

wow. of all the people in the world, or supposed beyond, alex sr was the killer. i didn't suspect a thing until zack started to ask ryan about the day his father died. for some reason, i found it odd for him to grill ryan like he did, but when i heard alex sr say "don't disappoint me" to ryan on his deathbed, i got the picture. i was sold when zack started clawing at the grave. i just had to see how it would play out. funny thing is, when zack got to the warehouse to meet his father, i half hoped greenlee would be behind the mask..LOL. i wonder, though, if they made this storyline to prove faking a death is common or to give zack a lead in to figuring out his father faked his death.

i'm sure the drama with alexander cambias sr is far from over, since the writers didn't allow him to be killed off. if they really wanted to do that, zach would have thrown him over the ledge of the balcony in poetic justice. maybe they did it this way because we've not had a murder trial in some time. let's just hope that he doesn't find a way to escape his legal debut in the meantime. so in wait for the next trial-of-the-decade, what would we have to look forward to on amc?

of course we'll have to see zack deal with the emotional backlash from the whole ordeal and watch he and kendall rebuild their lives in the psychological aftermath of her near demise, but let's deal with the rest of pine valley for a minute. for starters, there's jr and babes drama. this is going to blow itself up and mainly due to crystal. i only hope she really is ready to let adam go. i think we all can agree, no matter how happy they've become, she's much better off without adam. i just hope she's already got a little nest egg set aside, besides "charlette's" trust that is. and is she going to let the truth come out before she names tad's child after adam's sister?

we'll also have some romance blooming in pine valley. there was a nice little pow wow of the three maidens currently involved in interesting triangles. none of which, i'm happy to say, involves cheating on men...just added complications. ryan and annie's long engagement, di and aiden's blossoming love, and julia and jamie's taboo romance is sure to have summer bursting with love and romance; not to mention jonathan and amanda's hidden love. will they become the only true triangle in the mix when lilly finally admits to herself that she still loves a complicated jonathan?

one thing i would really really like to see...is zarph/zoe's transition. i think it would be groundbreaking daytime television. unfortunately, ugly betty beat them to the punch, but it'd be cool to see (albeit an abreviated version) of the process to transgenderfication. of course we would only really see the emotional trek. they would eventually replace zoe with a female actress after a summer away at some top notch swiss clinic where she gets her nip and tuck. then she'll return to pine valley to seduce bianca, sweeping her back away to paris (unfortunately) to help run cambias industries. i wonder, will bianca wait that long? will they go to paris before the operations? will they be the first gay couple on daytime television to get married and give voice to the injustices to "separate but equal" marriage laws?

only time will tell.

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