Wednesday, January 31, 2007


so maybe i was wrong...

just maybe. the fat lady hasn't sung yet. but it seems that they are gonna try and have this lawyer, ex-boyfriend to simone be the killer. but still, something about that doesn't seem right to me. and i'm with derick on the matter of "r". as old as zach is, "r" would have to be about 60 - 80 years old. but then there's jigsaw... but i digress.

as i am sticking to my guns (for now) on greenlee, this is actually a post about the other murder...the infamous dr. truman.

i love the way soaps set up the possible murderers and generally the never "set up" the actual murder. i think it's pretty safe to say todd manning did not do this. if he had, i'm sure he would be singing it from the rooftop, discordiant incrimination be damned. todd would be too easy of...well, just too easy. plus, we tend to know that todd is guilty when he did something. did you ever notice that???

as much as i want either of the mcbain boys to be the murderer, especially michael (for some reason), i also do not believe it is either one of them. the way they set michael up was brilliant! "i'll protect my son no matter what i have to do" and "now all i have to do is get out of here unseen!" HILLARIOUS!!! absolutely hillarious. and maybe because he's protecting his son/family is the reason why i want him to be the culprit, but alas...i just don't buy it.

his finding john passed out in the dayroom of the hospital is another reason i don't really buy it. part of me wishes it was a team effort. that the mcbain boys ran into each other on the way to or out of the crime scene. but again, it's something i'm not ready to buy into yet. speaches be damned. something was lacking in their private talks; joy, conviction, ownership...i don't know. but "not [having] to worry about spencer" and "we took care of spencer" are two different statements all together.

here's what i think happened...
john found the killer in the room standing over spencer's bloody carcas and rushed to their aid. maybe he wasn't totally dead yet...but that's beside the point. john, being a cop...a top detective, helped the murderer get away without leaving any evidence or witnesses to the crime. that would explain how a piece of his knit scarf was found on the scene later by his devoted girl friday, natalie. that's when michael came in. maybe he'd also found that spencer was not in his room and immediately went to blair's aid. well, michael never got in the room. he ran into john helping a shocked murderer escape and john told michael to help them clean up and get out. that would explain why "now all [he had] to do is get [himself] out...unseen." at which point we "caught up" with him, watched him find an unconcious john and a subsequent frantic natalie. but who's the killer, you ask...

now we know it wasn't rex that they found in the room. he was found later, looking guilty as a pearl necklace on an alterboy, red handed (literally) with the murder weapon in his hand by none other than the commissioner of lvpd, uncle bo buchanon. no, rex is just the goat (michael is the red herring). the actual murderer was never set up by the writers the way michael, john, todd, and rex. hell, they even tried to set up starr and cole. i really wanted it to be starr when i first saw the commercial for his murder. and i would have believed it because the hand holding the scissors were female. yes, i did say they were female. who does that leave....? the one and only classic victim, dr marty saybrook.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


i know who it is, i know who it is..., without being a writer on the show, one can never know exactly what's next or the "full" truth. apparently, there are so many writers on some of these shows that they don't know what the truth is until it's on record (or on the air). i love the editing process...LOL.

well, for the longest time, i've been terribly upset that the proverbial finger was pointing toward zarph (such a metal name, zharf). anyway, zarf has been playing the red herring for about two or three weeks now and i've decided, since new years at least, that's exactly what he was...a red herring. there were too many coincidences for it to be him. you know the soap rule, who ever is the most obvious, is invariably innocent. so who is the culprit???

baring some unknown individual from zack's past, which is highly unlikely as far as i'm concerned, there's only one person i can imagine as the "satin slayer". how often do the soaps bring in some unknown individual for a mystery this big? as far as my memory serves...never. it's a cheat! this person is someone we already know...someone we would least expect. maybe not least...

we would least expect zack of this crime spree, but lately they writers are scripting the possibility of an alter ego into zack's psyche. these flashbacks and recovered memories are typical to the discovery of an alter ego. his childhood memory of repeating over and over has been distracting me from my resolve that i've discovered who the murderer is. yet, i still don't believe this is the answer. although it's pretty close...

having an alter ego commit these murders would answer some of the why questions i still have about my theory. why would the killer do this to people they know personally? why would the killer go through the fusion women to get at zack? this is why i think that zack (or his mother) is another red herring. as far as my theory goes, zack's mother is another trick of the killer to distract pine valley and the police from the real motive; to destroy fusion and kendal. who do we know who would want to do that?

i submit for your consideration......greenlee. i don't know why she would kill simone who was once her friend and never really did her any wrong...but that's where the alter ego comes in handy. i can't recall how much she knew danni frye, but i can definitely imagine where she could hold a grudge against erin lavery. however, the ultimate goal (again) is to destroy fusion, kendal and zack. i can't wait to see who it is...if it's not greenlee...

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