Friday, March 17, 2006


the grand dame

...aaliyah - care 4 u - track 12...

i realized, at some point, i would have to explain the statement...the title. erica kane is the matriarch of pine valley. matriarch sounds so matronly, doesn't it. she's more the legacy. she is kane.

erica is a "homegrown star". when the show debuted, erica was 16 years old. she and her mother, mona kane, were the focus of all my children. maybe people focused on them more because mona kane was a single mother. maybe it's because erica proved to be a bit of a bad seed. either way you look at it, a star (and a legacy) was born. it was destiny, and erica knew it.

she has been through so many things i am not a "witness" to, i know i'll never be able to do a good synopsis. at least not one of "blog size". let's see...she's had ten, pardon, eleven marriages. four of them to the same (and current) husband, jackson montgomery. she's been a fashion model, spokesmodel, cosmetic mogel, magazine editor, and a talk show host. so it goes without saying, one ms. erica kane has little trouble in love or money.
...or a lot of trouble, depending on how you look at it.

but of all the up's and down's of her life, i think the struggles with her children are what's most important to her. her youngest daughter, bianca, involved the most...sensible of stress. there was the custody battle (although, she did kidnap her own daughter), helping her daughter through an eating disorder, and even found out she was gay. the most tramatic event concerning bianca was her rape through which she gave birth to miranda mona montgomary...

Unfortunately, this brings me to erica's oldest daughter, kendal. somewhere in 1990, kendal hart came to town as erica's assistant. (she REALLY needs to be more careful when she hires assistants. val was her only good one!) it was recovered that erica was raped at 14 (something set up by her sleazy father eric kane, no less) and kendal was the product of that heinous crime. matron mona kane made erica give her up for adopton and erica has had to pay for that decision a long least after she remembered it happend. >;-D>

what we did see happen in erica's life, was her abortion. oooh, she was punished for that too. she was the first to have an "on screen" abortion in soap history (if not tv history). the "fans" went wild, so in retribution, she lost her husband and something else i don't quite remember - probably something to do with her careeer, i'm sure. some 26 years later, all the suffering proves to be in vain. there's more suffering to overcome. erica kane's new secret turn this into more of a tragedy.

she's recently discovered that the abortion didn't happen. the world renown fertility doctor, Dr. Madden, stole her embryo. he (presumedly) was one of the first doctors to experiment on embryo transplanting, but he did it without erica's knowledge or consent. well, anyone who knows anything about soaps knows that there is always more to the story. the young man she hired as "new beginnings" production manager, who is also trying to steal her job to the extent of drugging her to discredit her sanity, is her son. the reasons why erica hired Dr. Madden's son Josh is it's own long story, and firing him is self explanatory, but explaining why she hasn't pressed charges, even without actual proof of the druggings, is getting harder by the day.

there's an awful lot of drama going on in ms. kane's life, even now some couple of months after i started this entry. will she be able to keep this latest secret? and considering jeff martin, is this even her secret to keep? the time will come when the things kept in the dark will come to light, but we'll have to turn that page (or skip those comercials) when we get there. for now, this is a glimpse into the life of the woman you always wanted to be, until you knew her story.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


an intro to the two

recently, i've been wanting to start a new blog. i have another, but it's more of a published archive now. even now, i'm thinking of things to add to it, but i'm sure that may take me some time to actually sit down and do.

what i do do on a regular (tee hee) is sit down and watch my soaps...on a daily. i'm absolutely hooked. sometimes, all it take is a good storyline to get you hooked. often it's a character that opens the door to addiction. for me, it was a bit of both; but i'm not going to delve into the past right now. this is about this month, march's madness.

the month of march has been pitched as the month of revelations, in so many words. seemingly, the greatest is dixie martin's return to all my children. if you're new to this soap, you may have no clue who she is. in short, she is part of a power couple, the standard romeo and juliet. dixie cooney fell in love with one tad (the cad) martin when they were in high school. their timultuous love story includes her marriage to an evil millionaire (adam), tad's supposed death (and subsequential amnesia), three divorces and recently her death. ...well, she is actually alive and back in pine valley.

of course, there is always more to the story. in her absence, her son, adam jr., has been a drug addict, got clean and married, and basically became rotten duplicate of his rotten father. sad fact is, even he blames that on dixie's death. exactly how is he going to react when he finds out she has been alive these past three years? we all know they'll be mixed emotions, but will he follow suit and punish her in retaliation? i'm ever so sure tad will.

tad loved her to no end. they were working on their recent marriage when she became pregnant. this began a riff because of dixie's weakend only kidney. she then ran away to europe, and her car was found in a revene. she and her unborn daughter were presumed dead. her half sister later came to town impersonating her. you could imagine the fallout when that truth was revealed. so (again) for dixie to be alive the whole time, and not contact him, is not going to go over that well. you have to wonder, though, how is this going to affect his budding relationship with dixie's half-sister di, especially since she knew? and are you ever so sure dixie's daughter kate is dead?

we shall explore grand dame erica kane's great revelaton at another time.

now, the grand revelation on one life to live has to do with one heiress, jessica buchannon. she is the daughter of victoria and clint buchannon. actually, her father is a madman, but that's a different plot. unless you've never ever heard of this town called landview, you know that vicki has multiple personalities, or "dissociative identity disorder". it was the cause of her father molesting her, and now she has 5-6 different personalities: nicki smith-the party girl, gene-the control freak, princess-the 6yo victim, tori-a wild girl, and tommie-an angry boy. okay, maybe it's five, but the point is jessica has developed this disorder too.

we discover she has a multiple personality when jessica begins to display uncharacteristic behaviors. she's drinking and smoking, dissappearing for long periods of time, and avoiding her family and friends. lo and behold, she has had this disorder for some time. for instance, when dorian (vicki's nemisis) caused jessica to lose her child in a car accident, tess began to torture dorian making her think that she's hearing/seeing things and has brinked the point of madness, like both of her sisters. when jessica's alter, tess, is found out by her uncle todd, the family begins to dig for the source of jessica's "split".

after much digging and many battles, tess desides that she will only speak to vicki's alter, nicki. apparently, nicki was the doorway to the tragedy that jessica experienced. somewhere in her childhood, while mother vicki was alter nicki, something happend to her on one fateful mother-daughter visit to the bar. while vicki wants to discover the secret to help jessica gain control over tess, nicki wants to learn the secret to use against vicki and gain perminant control. with four other alters to worry about, this is destined to be a long and bumpy road for vicki. especially since lately promos for the show hint at vicki having a bigger hand (than neglect) in jessica's tragedy...

well, you'll find that i can actually talk about these soaps all day long. so, for now, i'll end. i hate to put this in writing, but my commentaries will range from documenting the happenings, to actor critiques, and general notes about the soap opera genre. let's hope that i can actually keep up with this little soap box.

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